the vision

What About Water?

Just turn on the tap and bingo – fresh water, the kind that drips cold from the glass and drains in one long swig, a drop trickles down your chin. Or that chilled bottle, plucked from the cooler at a sporting event on a hot afternoon; frosty condensation moistens your palm while soothing wet fills your mouth. Slug it down. Yeah. Water.  Most of us might pay dearly for it, but its available, easily accessible and clean – very clean.

So, you might ask – “What about water?”

Globally speaking, here are the facts:
  • 70% of the earth is water but less than 1% is drinkable.345 million people are without water access. 
  • 780 million people are without access to potable water. (That’s more than twice the population of USA.)
  • 3.4 million people die yearly from water borne disease. (That’s about the entire size of Los Angeles.)
  • Lack of access to clean water and sanitation kills children at a rate equivalent of a jumbo jet crashing every four hours.
  • The water and sanitation crisis claims more lives through disease than any war claims through guns.
  • An average American taking a five-minute shower uses more water than the average person in a developing country slum uses for an entire day.
  • More people have a mobile phone than regular access to safe drinking water.
  • Women and children use billions of hours collectively hauling water and finding fuel to use for boiling, valuable time that keeps them from school and income-generating work. This daily chore takes them into unsafe environments, making them vulnerable to assault. Even after the water is collected, precious energy is used to try and make it clean – sometimes the dirty water must be consumed as is, resulting in life-threatening diseases.
        (Information collected from WHO, UNICEF, ITU, UNFPA, UNDP.)

What can be done?

Realize that access to safe water can stop the poverty cycle.  By providing a means for potable water to be easily accessed eliminates the potential barriers to development – barriers like continuous illness, lack of opportunity, lost education and wasted time.  Access to safe water, introduced through the gospel message gives those living in poverty a chance to embrace a spiritual journey that changes their worldview from fatalism to divine destiny.

How can this be done?

1.  Sharing the love of God through Jesus Christ by building relationships that treat others with redeemable providence.
2.  Building and distributing low cost, effective bio=sand water filters, which remove 99.9% of pathogens that cause sickness.

Our two step goal may not provide the water, but our DIGGS program enables mamas to earn enough income to purchase unclean water at 2 ksh (about 5 cents) per liter. With the biosand filter, they can purify their water and the expense of fuel for boiling is eliminated; plus, time spent preparing to clean the water is saved.

View our first biosand water filter team building day…

Materials delivered for construction.


Cleaning materials through sifting.

And more sifting.

Seperating course sand from the fine - both will be used.
Washing the gravel chips.

Heavy work, but the mamas will say, "access to clean water is worth it."

The children help.

Their "short term assistance" turns to play.

Carolyne gets to use real tools, a novelty for many here, especially women.
 Securing the spout.

A prayer that it all holds before the cement pour.

Mixing gravel chips, cement and waterproof.
Careful leveling.

Clean up. Everybody does their part.

A hearty meal and fun fellowship.

Removing the mold and it looks good! It will cure for 7 days.
And the process is repeated!

THANKS to everyone who helped us bring potable water to those we serve in Kenya.  With a great team of nationals, bio-sand water filters are being constructed on our compound for widows and orphans.  How great is that?  They might not be able to turn on a tap or crack open a bottle, but this nifty contraption will let them pour whatever water they have and make it safe to consume. YEAH GOD.  This filter, introduced with the gospel message is effective outreach in the community.  Win Win Win! Clean water from the Living Water for those who need water.  Again - YEAH GOD!

Asante sana for your prayers, support and encouragement.
 hugs from the haugers Ooo0o

How We Live In "the Missing"

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”
― C. S. Lewis, The Four Loves

It can be hard living on the mission field in a culture so foreign from our own that we constantly question: “Where do I fit? How does this work? What should be done?” Some days it’s particularly tough. That’s when "the missing” happens. We long for those close to us - whose prayers, support and encouragement carries us.  Seeing friends and family on skype becomes a soothing salve we apply generously to cover "the missing" wounds.
We came to Kenya because of a divine call; one we heard as young believers.  We studied missions in Bible school, got involved in cross-cultural ministries and prayed as God nurtured our vision over many years.  Funny, when we set out to follow that call we expected good things, and rightly so because God is good.  He has destiny with future and hope.  We left our comfort zone starry-eyed and determined.  Sure, we calculated the cost this adventure extracts – missed celebrations, loss of familiar fellowships, especially the lively conversations with kindred souls over comfort foods – but, when it came to actually “paying” that cost, emotions can mess with  vision. Pun intended.

So, what to do when "the missing” becomes so tangible it pierces our soft spots?

1.  Have FUN.  Yep.  Do something meaningfully silly with people and ENJOY them.

2.  Be REAL with those God sent us to serve.  Healthy relationships form out of honest ministry.

3.  Always PRAY.  Let the Lord, who heals hearts, mend the brokenness and build new bonds.

We lived this advice all the way to Kajulu, a desperately poor village where widowed mamas, both young and old, care for orphans.  Who would have guessed that regularly gathering with 12 Luo women under the shade of a mango tree would ease "the tender missing?”  Warm evening sun finds us sharing our stories, our discoveries, our food and our laughter. (Note: Being silly = ammunition against overwhelming poverty.)

God gave us friends in Kajulu; ones where comfortable chatter bypasses language differences; ones that ask probing questions because the answers expose priceless value;  ones with interest in exploring the Lord’s plans for the future - together; ones that create a sincere, “Karibu sana” - you are welcome here anytime my friend.

For those we are longingly "missing," we send you sweet shalom. For our new friends here in this far away land, abundant thanks for embracing us.  Life is simply joyless survival without all of YOU. 
Warm chatter over sweet roselle tea.

Mama Mary's humor keeps us giggling.

Mama Carol's sweet smile is contagious.

Mama Janet oversees our group with gladness.
Rice is set in the fire-less cooker to steam and in 30 minutes we 
share the soft treat.  This method of cooking saves time and fuel.

Carolyne shares an activity that focuses the conversation on Jesus.

Mamas' pick colored papers with characteristics of Heavenly Father
and share testimonies of how He blesses them.
Mama Rose tells of painful experiences trying to steal their destinies, 
but God's grace intervenes.

Luo Bibles are few and highly valued. To have God's
Work in their heart language speaks volumes.

With what little she has, Mama Janet cares for these orphaned girls.

So blessed with "rafikis" of like passions.

What's next?  Continual relationship based discipleship and development so 
widowed mamas are equipped to care for orphans - a pure act of worship.
James 1:27.

Asante sana for your prayers, support and encouragement.
hugs from the haugers Ooo0o

Giving Back

Sustainable sewing gives back.
It’s learning to create with excellence.
It’s redeeming wounded self-worth.
It knows quality matters,
because all is done for the glory of God.
It’s doing an everyday mundane task
and finding how God wants to use it
to bless another.
It’s not waiting for the some sweet day
when you have something to give away.
It’s giving without getting.
It’s living faith now.

Widowed mamas learn to sew –
measure, mark, pin, thread, stitch. 

Result – 
Fluffy, bright pillows for handicapped, orphaned children. 
 Our friend, and seamstress extraordinaire, 
        teaches with humor and expects the best. 
The widowed mamas learn to sew by hand, 
on electric and manual machines.  
 A four-legged visitor
interrupts the class.
Pillow delivery = JOY!

This project helped six widowed mamas to learn a skill and use it to bless someone else, before they used it to benefit themselves. The project can continue but needs your help.  
  •  $200 will buy another manuel sewing machine. (The electric one was barrowed. The manual and sewing supplies were generously provided. Thanks!)
  • Dontions will purchase material - cotton katanga at about $2.oo per yard.
 With these items we could teach weekly,
 improving the mamas' skill base and blessing those in need.

Check the paypal bar on the right
Send donation payable to CARE
PO Box 3543, Pagosa Sp. CO 81147
with a sticky note - "CARE4Nations. Sewing."

Asante sana!
Mungu akubariki.
hugs form the haugers Ooo0

in Jesus name...

Omondi’s hand grips the hammer, using it like a chisel; 
he scraps away unwanted wood. 
A perfect joint exposed, 
ready to fit the next altered cedar pole. 
He flips his tool and pounds down 4-inch nails 
to fix them together.
Metal straps secure the bond. 
His creation will support screening to protect tender vegetables from thieving birds.
Like the Master Carpenter in the lives of His disciples, 
Holy Spirit forms us by cutting away unuseful parts 
so we work in unison - God's creation,
bound by cords of love,
to bring hope to a wounded world 
in Jesus name.

Mid October we planted a garden against hunger – tomatoes, kale, lettuce, onions, and carrots. 
Our harvest began in earnest. Joy to share fresh produce 
with the hungry encouraged our efforts. 
But then – the birds! 
Thanks to a specific donation 
from an organization that promotes sustainability, 
we gather materials for a screen house. Soon, we’ll be feeding the hungry again 
in Jesus name

DIGGS training encounters a new group of zealous students – some starting churches, some beginning schools, preaching and teaching 
in Jesus name.

The widowed mamas grow in helps by learning to sew. This project will serve handicapped orphaned children. Women, who were once victims, learn to give back 
in Jesus name. 
(Can’t wait to show you the finished product, delivered with a smile tomorrow!
Special thanks to our dear friend from New Zealand, Joan!)

Encouraged by young ones touching a hungry world 
with John 3:16
in Jesus name.

"From Him the whole body, joined and held together 
by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself 
up in love, as each part does its work."
Ephesians 4:16

Asante sana for joining us in support so we work together 
caring for widows and orphans 
in Jesus name. 
James 1:27.

hugs from the haugers 0oo0


I was hoping the title would catch your attention. Yes, this post is about deliverance.  Not the dramatic exorcism of casting out demons, although scripture reveals such, and we've experienced it here in Kenya.  We’ve seen demons literally manifest as serpents in human bodies, slithering their way through a person crawling toward the alter on all four appendages, bent in unexplainable angles. We’ve seen young women squirm and vomit when the name of Jesus is spoken, but submit to His Lordship when confronted with the choice. I know such deliverance exists, but this post is not about that. It is about the comprehensive definition of deliverance – one that welcomes friendship in Christ, regardless of denomination, social status or ethnicity 
for the glory of His kingdom.

There are 37 words in the Bible that refer to deliverance. These words have 4 related but distinctly different meanings.

"To deliver out of the hands of, to escape." Exodus 18:8-11.
Like the Israelites’ exodus out of Egypt, 
we walk with horribly wounded women, those familiar with neglect and abuse, into the wild wilderness of unknowns. 
There, God leads them in supernatural ways. 
The snare of the slavery is broken and they escape.

"Drawing someone to one's self." Jeremiah 31:3.
The Lord draws these vulnerable mamas with cords 
of loving-kindness.  His power to snatch them out of the grip of evil is not complete without placing them into safety – a place to feed on His Word, to receive prayer sown in tears and wise counsel laced with laughter. 
God huddles us under the shadow of His wing 
for the purpose of loving Him and each other.

"To deliver into the hands of for the purpose of judgment." 
Col 1:13.
Yes. Judgment. The Bible says if we judge ourselves, we will not be judged. Finding our faults, sins, offenses need not separate or condemn.  Deliverance shares burdens, offers forgiveness, produce fruit of His Spirit that builds strong relationships. We’ve rubbed the ugly underbelly of widow’s fear, our presumption, and the threat of manipulation. 
When we fulfill our obedience towards each other, 
God punishes the enemy’s disobedience.

"To have ample space between oneself and one's enemies."  Psalm 31:8.
Jointly fit - this strange family of young, old, dark, light, African, American, rich, poor, weak, strong - we find unity in our differences. God’s vast image embraces us, settles us, and we find choosing His goodness overcomes evil.  
Although wickedness encamps around us, 
security and peace makes our abode.

Deliverance for us?  God formed freedom that creates holy bonding and stands against injustice. Whether we see a demon come out of someone or not, we believe the life of a wounded one must change because Jesus is Lord.

How bout you? Do you walk with those who only know the power of darkness? Do you believe wickedness of the world must bow to the name of Jesus? Do you trust Jesus’ love shines brighter, and victory comes by His cross? 
Don’t give up.
Sacrifice only what the flesh loves. 
Be truth. 
Be freedom. 
Live your deliverance.

Asante sana for your prayers, encouragement and support.
hugs from the haugers Ooo0

Gifts We Receive...

This Christmas we received Gifts

We watched children, abandoned at birth - left in ditches, pit latrines, and tea fields but rescued by the merciful hand of God - preform a Christmas play celebrating the birth of Jesus. A Gift.

 During the short presentation, a little girl sat on my lap.  She finds me every visit and climbs up. Who could know behind those inquisitive eyes and nimble fingers lies experiences far beyond her 12 months? She came to the home plagued with sickness leading to death, but now she radiates life. 
A Gift.

A small boy, dressed like a shepherd with a towel over his head, tied snug with a pink headband, sucks his thumb and waves at me.  He doesn’t speak yet his smile says everything. He came to the orphanage at 16 months, significantly impaired by cerebral palsy. Today he runs like he’s dancing, giggles bubbling from his belly. 
A Gift.
She stands, leaning into a gold-colored walker, forcing her feet to obey.  Dressed in white with tinsel woven around her braided hair, she is an angel.  Last summer, she crawled along the ground, frustrated by overwhelming limitations. Her last trip to the hospital, as she waited, she sang songs about Jesus, encouraging those suffering around her. 
A Gift.
He needs constant care, tucked in a wheelchair, anticipating a push onto the porch that’s dressed like a stage.  A sparkly cardboard camel taped to the side of his chair indicates he’s a wise one. He grins while others sing, and his hand reaches out to hold the air. I think he’s holding the hand of his Savior that no one can see. 
A Gift.
 These children – found as babes in places no child should be, challenged by physical handicaps and developmental delays, the ones left behind when families come to adopt, the ones ignored because they don’t fit the scheme of healthy and normal – they are the gifts we are blessed to receive.

We thank God for the gift of life – the life of Jesus who came to seek and saved those who were lost. He also was born in a place not worthy of a child.  But God had a plan... May we remember the hopeless and helpless this Christmas season and bring them the gift of Jesus.
Matthew 25:40
Merry Christmas!
Asante sana for your prayers, encouragement and support.
hugs from the haugers Ooo0

12 Days of Christmas in Kenya.

Thinking of the Twelve Days of Christmas 
in a different way...

The days before Christmas can be a scramble 
to find the right present, finish holiday baking, 
and attend various get-togethers.
While you plan, shop and celebrate the birth of Jesus, 
would you remember some forgotten ones?
Below is our Twelve Days of Christmas in Kenya.  
It shares prayer requests,
ways to relate to those less fortunate, and ideas for donations.
We appreciate your prayer and gifts 
on behalf of widows and orphans.
                                                                                 James 1:27                                                                                                                     Blessings of peace and joy,
   hugs from the haugers Ooo0                                     


As Taleah played in her favorite tree, I examined its roots... following them up the strong branches supporting 
my daughter's smile.

Then, I remembered a boy... eyes holding hatred beyond his tender years. Wickedness invading innocence, infecting roots for his future and now… who brings hope to his dying life?
Living in Kenya, among people with roots formed by generations of poverty, polygamy, tribal violence, gender injustice and colonial oppression we see where truth must eliminate lies so healing can flourish.

The word root or roots is mentioned 56 times in the Bible.  Roots deal with foundations and fruitfulness - stability, support, nourishment, growth, productivity.  
The Creator, Father God 
determines where roots start.

Then life happens. 

Almost uncontrollably, bad things sink deep into hearts.
Evil’s desire to destroy reflects in sin’s horrors - stolen innocence; suffering inflicted without restraint; incessant, searing pain of abuses; neglect's lonely abyss.

Sin infects roots with bitterness, offense, unforgiveness.
(Deuteronomy 29:18)

Amusements might temporarily soothe sins throbbing wounds, but who can heal root damage? Who can make new foundations that affect fruitfulness?


Only Jesus.
(Isaiah 11:10)

Recently we started teaching a facilitator class for the DIGGS training.  We asked widowed mammas to look in a mirror and tell us what they saw…

First, uncomfortable shifting emerged. 
Faces in a mirror, in front of others?
Really looking…
Honestly seeing… 
What did they say?

“I see my old face... missed so much life.  I see God wanting to give me more.  I see me giving because I received.”

“I see someone who was shy but now I know I have confidence in the Lord in me and my sons.”

“I am ugly.  I don’t know some days how God will help me. But He does. I am here. I am learning. I am growing. I want to help others. I need help to do that.”

“I was loud, got angry easy. I want to defend myself because no one ever stands with me, my children. Now I want to enjoy the life God made for me and teach others to trust Him.”

Jesus heals sick roots. 
These widowed mammas believe Christ provides more than their traumatic pasts dictate, more then evil destroys. 
The Christ-centered relationships between us cultivate roots that create stability, support and productivity.  
True growth might be slow, but it’s established,
and we see healthy buds of fruit forming.
(Jeremiah 17:8)
By helping these mammas create new roots, children 
are spared generations of hardships. 
Does evil remain? 
Yes, it will remain until the end, 
but choices change evil's destruction and yield healthy roots - 
as long as Jesus is the answer.
(Colossians 2:7)


(Ephesians 3:17-19)

Asante sana for your prayers, support and encouragement.
hugs from the haugers Ooo0

The Blessed Catch

Jesus is calling, inviting, challenging us to trust Him in the deep places for the catch He will provide. The "deep" can 
be an uncomfortable place - filled with threats of danger, discomfort, and insecurities...
But when we obey, He's faithful to give all that's necessary - the blessed catch.
Question is,
What do we do with the catch?

    Disciple widowed/single mammas opened ministry-businesses where they tell testimonies of the Lord's provision to care for their children.
    Share God's love and redemption with handicapped, orphaned children.
    Minister in churches on missions, adoption and orphan prevention. 

Asante sana for helping us "go out in the deep" and "teach others to fish."
Let the cycle of the blessed catch continue in Jesus name.

We appreciate your prayers, support and encouragement.
hugs from the haugers Ooo0

God's working...

Almost two months back in Kenya and it seems time moves faster than the projects we're implementing, but after reviewing images captured by the camera, we're reminded that God does far more than we can imagine. His concern for the poor is cradled in kindness and nurtured through relationships. Our western impatience and preoccupation with effectiveness is learning to yield to the gentle heart of peace.  Even in all of this, God's working... 

Garden Against Hunger
Some of the widowed mammas put the DIGGS teaching on service into practice by preparing the "shamba" for planting.  We're anticipating yummy, homegrown veggies in a few months to share with children at the orphanage.  Feeding the hungry is Jesus name is part of the gospel message. 

 Digging hard earth to cultivate fruit is symbolic of these women's lives.
 Tavin volunteers and the mammas enjoy his help.

Meaningful Object Lessons
Imagine precious few years of education where you sneak into class late because chores delayed you... You came in hungry and without shoes to sit on a dirt floor and listen to a teacher for hours... This was the childhood of our DIGGS facilitator trainees who recently learned the value of using object lessons to introduce a topic. We reviewed biblical object lessons and practiced some of our own. With peals of laughter mixed in thoughtful responses, the mammas understood - involving the learner brings greater meaning.   
Gaudencia and Mildred try an exercise about strength and meditating on God's Word.

The women attempt to walk with pebbles in their shoes while sucking on a pieces of candy.
Which do you think got the most attention - the discomfort or the sweetness?
What gets the most attention in your life?

 Needing Miracles
Always, the orphaned children touch us like no other.  In a country twice the size of Nevada, with 2 million orphans, what can we do? Of course, help mammas who are at risk of loosing their children, but what about the abandoned ones who's extended families and rural villages can't be identified?
We been asked by friends in USA to identify an orphanage that needs a nutrition program; that investigation led us to a place of brokeness - 60 kiddos, some desperately sick, in less than adequate facilities. 

 Prayer is their only weapon against evils threatening to steal what little life they still have. 
Will you pray with us?
These children need miracles.

Asante sana for your prayers, encouragement and support.
hugs from the haugers Ooo0

The Good, the Sad and the Ants

The Good:
1.  We moved into a bigger, older compound more suited to our family and ministry.  Thanks to sweet friends, we're fairly unpacked and organized.
Beautiful life in the new compound.

2.  The newly formed Love In Action leadership team met at our compound! (And I forgot to take pictures.)  Three wise, capable Kenyan women, a young, energetic gal from India and Lisa settled into the airy room; and while thin curtains swayed in the warm afternoon breeze, they prayed, shared visions, strategized, and prayed some more. They all felt prompted to create a safe, healing place on the tree-covered compound for victimized mamas to receive biblical discipleship and empowerment through the DIGGS program.  Everyone agreed the compound offered amazing potential to serve widowed mamas in Jesus name, helping them parent their children and halting the orphan cycle threatening to steal children from poor women. We begin our next training in a few weeks.

3.  A tender little orphaned boy grows dearer to us each day.  He's received sponsorship to attend school that will greatly assist him to overcome significant developmental delays. Yes Lord!

4.  Mark's cleaning out an old shipping container so he has a place to work on the evangelistic water project - a service that will not only bring clean water to poverty-stricken areas, but more importantly, bring the Living Water of God.

5.  Tavin's voluntary involvement with a new club surprised us.  Our sports-loving, academic-tolerating teen joined East African Youth United Nations.  This interesting association brings global issues (like child abuse, orphan crisis, hunger, potable water) to the table of young people, provides them opportunity to construct solutions and present them at the United Nations in Nairobi. Tavin hasn't forsaken his love for the game.  He travels this week (all expenses paid) to a sports festival in Nairobi.

6.  Taleah continues to amaze us with her gift to make friends with Kenyan children and invent fun.  We usually see a circle of small kids surrounding her, engaging in pastimes from Taleah's imagination. She claimed the vote for most creative writer in her class this week.

The Sad:
A young mu*slim girl Lisa ministered to at Joyland passed on. 

Where I found my Zeppond whenever I visited...
Zeppond lost her leg in Kenya's war against Al*Shabab terrorist group. Leaving what family remained in a refugee camp, the UN sent Zeppond to receive education, but she never recovered from her loss - both of her family and her leg.
Lisa would pray over her, share stories, candies, and even found her a pretty head covering, trying to make a connection that mattered. As Lisa saw Zeppond grow weaker and weaker, she advocated for interventions. Zeppond was sent back to the refugee camp. She died today. Obviously, too little was done too late. Our hearts cry for these wounded ones who don't know Jesus saving love.

The Ants:
Ugh! They are everywhere! 
Little trails of tiny ants marching, carrying things much too big for their small, small bodies. If we open anything - they are there, silently, stealthily invading the peanut butter, sugar, tupperware sealed oats and rice.  When we clean them out - they return, unhindered by our fierce resistance.  Even now, as Lisa types she's swatting tiny ants that seem to materialize out of nowhere.  Persistent buggers!

Scripture tells us we should consider the ant (Proverbs 6:6; 30:25). If we as believers work together without complaining
just think of the burdens the Lord would empower us to carry. Nothing is too big when we band together and depend on Him. Next, our Christian influence would be everywhere; regardless of harsh environments, we should be the aroma of Christ to a lost world. If we are not detoured by opposition, we can be effective for the kingdom of God. If a multitude of minuscule ants can cause such havoc in our house, know that diligent submission to God and constant refusal to give the enemy attention can accomplish impossible things. Never give up on Jesus, His purposes, His desires, His plans. He never gives up on you.

What do you think when you consider the ant?

Gratefulness for more” good” than “sad” focuses us on goodness of God. Please pray with us that... 

  • Zeppond’s family will recognize the Lord’s goodness. 
  • For widows and orphan care to filtered through divine goodness.  
  • We embrace His goodness and extend it willingly.  
  • We practice the lesson of the ants.

Some faces are just too cute not to post!
Asante sana for your encouragement, support and prayers.
hugs from the haugers Ooo0

Back in Kenya

We're back in Kenya, among our friends, ministering with them in places desperate for hope. Jesus brings hope that grows into fruit shared, fellowship enjoyed, orphans loved, and unexpected blessings of participating in a leadership conference, ordination and baby dedication. Grateful to be found faithful to the call and entrusted with God's heart for the fatherless.  Photo's below of the last couple weeks. Take a peek into what the Lord is doing in Kisumu...
Poverty's oppression is thwarted by the DIGGS project as widowed/single mamas commitment to serve God by banding together to read the Bible, pray and 
share their blessings with others.
Agnus and Josephine taste fruit from USA, 
something their "tongues longed for."
Fruit of the Spirit is what their lives long to produce. 
Giving with generous hearts.

Tavin and Taleah ready for the first day of classes. 
 Last weekend we enjoyed fun fellowship 
with families at the first annual school picnic.
Mark and Tavin join in the big "futbal" competition.

As many of you know, we live in a house with a very small compound - no room for hosting DIGGS training. We prayed for something in a fair price range with a place for widowed/single mamas so they 
could come to us for classes. 
Tada! Photos of the new home of CARE4Nations
It's in a secure location, but a block from the slums.
There is also enough room for Mark to work on the evangelistic water project.  Yeah God!

Our family joy - ministering to the orphaned kiddos
 with special needs. 
They love to tease Tavin. 

 We participated in a two day leadership conference 
on Identity of Integrity.  After the conference, you could find Lisa outside the church with Pastor Mary spending time with the women and children.
 The women work together preparing 
food for the conference.
 Mixing ugali and making chapati.

The children learn about Jesus 
and how our camera works.

 Tom, part of the visiting missions team, is 94 years old!  He wanted to come to Africa before he got to old. 
(Gonna be just like that at 94.)
He's not sleeping.  He's praying for the food.
 Breaking bread and feasting as His body, 
joined by bonds of brotherly love.

 Asante sana for sending us back to Kenya to express 
the Father's love to the "least of these"
who are precious in His sight.
                                                    Matthew 25:31-33

hugs from 
the haugers Ooo0

Tax-deductible donations can be made using Paypal on the sidebar.

Asante tena

Our passion with children here in Kenya is sharing Jesus.   
Many of these precious ones are orphaned, abused, neglected, 
infected with HIV, physically challenged by severe birth defects. 
They may be abandoned, but they are not forgotten. 
 Jesus inscribed them on the palms of His hands. 
He is their reason for living.  
He is their joy.  
He is their hope. 
They are His glory - fearfully and wonderfully made.  

Asante sana for the gifts 
of developmentally appropriate toys, backpacks and bibles.
Asante sana for the financial donations.
Your kindness helps us show God's love in tangible ways.
Mungu akubariki Rafikis.
(God bless you Friends.)

hugs from the haugers ooo

Tax-deductable gifts can be made to 
P.O. Box 3543
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147.  
with a sticky note directing the funds to 
CARE4Nations - Kenya.

Or visit the sidebar and make a donation through paypal.

.09 seconds for 2 hours

This .09 second video clip (thanks Casey) was our experience for two hours. An experience that speaks...
Descending the Rift Valley escarpment, Mark worked his 
way though the winding road as rain began to fall in 
earnest.  Along the flat bottom, cars had stopped… 
Wildlife? An accident? Then, we saw it move – earth 
heaving toward us, throbbing with water from the 
mountains. Dirt, silt, small trees and large rocks churned along the side of the car, some rolling violently across 
our path.It seemed surreal, like someone had planted 
an invisible movie screen outside the window. 
We were in the flood zone with no way out.

We waited. We prayed. We watched, amazed and a 
little concerned as the muddy water flushed out onto 
the Serengeti savannah stretched before us. Masai 
observed from the hills, leaning on their spears, murmuring 
to one another. Mutatus, trucks and automobiles shifted 
back and forth, trying to avoid high waters that broke over 
the road. Fretful faces stared at the strong currents slipping 
under their vehicles. Uneasy tension rose with the water.  

That’s when I heard the still small Voice of scripture 
bubbling in my mind.
“When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit 
of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” 
Isaiah 59:19 KJV

Yes, we all know those times when we feel the enemy’s 
presence on every side. Pressed down by torrents of tests, 
trials and temptations.  Crises overwhelm us like a deluge; 
we struggle to keep our heads above, gasping for the breath 
of God. Those times inundated with trouble, remember 
the promise – He rises up a standard of protection and 
provision.  Truly a lesson to meditate upon considering our situation.  These words comforted me, yet something 
unexpected seeped in…

“Move the comma.”


“What if the comma came after the word enemy instead 
of flood?

(For all of you who think I just blasphemed by “changing 
scripture” I certainly did not. Consider the word flood in 
this verse means nahar – prosperity, sparkle, cheerful.)

“When the enemy comes in
like a flood the Spirit of the Lord 
shall lift up a standard against him.”

I saw God in the flood. He agitates cleansing currents 
against evil influences, whipping the weights that so 
easily beset us. His rolling presence penetrates the drought 
of our neglect, breaking up hard ground so new life can 
grow.  He is in the flood - powerful, surging, bring a standard 
of obedience and blessing (Isaiah 28:2).

I gazed at the rising filth with new eyes.  I saw sin being 
swept away.  I saw God’s covering hand holding us as 
His strength removed the debris that pollutes our souls 
(Psalm 90:5). His intensity to rush in like a flood to save 
made sure a way out. His waters overwhelm with grace. 

In the midst of a storm in central Kenya, that delayed our 
best-laid plans for hours, God spoke. When life experiences 
feel like drowning waves, the Lord’s standard comes in like 
flood of freedom  (Ezekiel 47:1-9).

Asante sana for your prayer, support and encouragement.
hugs from the haugers oooo

Mother's Day and Masai

Mother's Day (or Mum's Day as they say in Kenya) celebrates those who influence lives with motherly love by nurturing unconditionally.  Below are a few faces of "moms" in Kenya...

Phoebe, a beautiful mom in who makes and sells peanut butter to provide for her daughter.

Ruth, a wise and gentle grandmother who cares for her grandchildren by sewing dresses.

A child-headed household where "mom' is a 12 year old girl, faithfully carrying her small siblings to church.

A motherless child who looks for arms to hold her.

Whatever you do to honor motherhood in your life today 
please remember the hundred million children in this world who long to have a mom to hold them.  
If orphaned children are asked what they want, 
they never say - " a big house" or "education" or "more sponsors"or "visits from donors." 
They inevitably answer they want - "a mom."  
Please pray for the mammas and children 
we serve here in Kenya.  
May the work God's given us to do continue 
to help them grow together as families in His redeeming love.

A Visit with Masai...
They peeked through the bushes, watching tentatively 
as we left the tin church building.
We waved them over with the 
welcoming words of Swahili greetings.

Sohoyto smiled, 
making introductions in with his few English phrases.

Lazaro wasn't as talkative 
but readily accepted the sweets we offered.

Obviously curious about the chair Lisa uses, 
we shared the tract that Lisa wrote with them, 
which explains the gospel.
After a fun visit and group picture, 
we invited them to church next Sunday.
Please pray the join us and learn more about 
Father God, their creator 
and Jesus, the Savior of the world. 

Happy Mother's Day from the Haugers, 
especially from Lisa who is so very grateful to be a mom
and prays God will always fill her life with children.

Caesy's doing great, 
learning lots and hugely helping the ministries she visits.
So grateful for her teachable spirit and willingness to serve.
Everyone loves her! 

Thanks for you prayers, support and encouragement.
hugs from the haugers oooo

Quick update...

 Casey's here. 
What a long haul - after 48 hours on planes and in airports 
she arrived late without luggage.  
As we say here - Karibu Kenya (Welcome to Kenya) and "Akuna matata!"(No worries).

We set off from Jomo Kenyatta for the journey home.  Wild Kenya did not disappoint Casey's desire for adventure.  She experienced raging flood waters off the Rift Valley escarpment as baboons dotted the roadside.  

Casey sharing her dance talents 
with an youth group at Covenant of Peace.

African worship is always moving so Casey fits right in.

When the luggage finally arrived, it was Christmas in May! We opened suitcases filled with special treats sent by special friends.  We're so grateful Becky, Ellen, Kiki, Linda, Robbie and Margaret! Thanks for blessing us. Taleah squealed in delight and Tavin's big grin went from ear to ear. Mark kept saying they should remember to share... with him! 

               Lisa reads all her birthday cards early, 
much to Taivn's shock. Ha!  
  Don't worry about her opening them early. 
She's sure to read them over and over again, 
before and after her birthday.

The bakery shirts are a blast. We're gonna invite Kenyans visit this new coffee shop in Pagosa.  Ministry items for the orphaned kiddo's are perfect.  Can't wait to play with them, to share new Bible lessons and encourage healthy child development.

Ministry updates...

We continue to pour ourselves 
into the children and babies at New Life.
Although many see these children as burdensome, their precious lives mean so mach to God and to us
We've been asked to do a training on transitions - preparing care workers and children for changes that come through adoption.  We pray this is an open door for more interaction on adoption issues, much needed for these 
abandoned little ones.

The education center in Mambo Leo is getting ready for 
the shipment of school supplies 
donated from Pagosa Springs students.  
The mandatory fence is being constructed, a pit latrine stands ready for children, and the school building waits for windows, a floor, benches and tables. By assisting this church to open
this center, orphans and widows can receive much needed resources.  James 1:27 in action. 

If anyone would like to donate towards these needs that will help provide quality Christian education for orphaned children and discipleship-skills training for young/single widowed moms, please visit the sidebar to see how to give or contact us for more information.

Our kids being goofy! But that's not new. Ha!

Coming up is more DIG training with our beautiful widowed mammas.  Tavin plays futbal in Nairobi and Taleah visits the City Council and Kisumu History Museum.  Mark and Casey will attend a free water purification seminar.  We'll be visiting the children at Joyland, New Life, and Covenant Home. We'll be ministering at Agape for street boys, Disciples of Mercy HIV clinic and the local churches. We also plan to take Casey for an overnight in Carolyne's rural village.

Please remember us before the Lord; May we continue to find favor by His grace. 

Asante sana for your prayers, support and encouragement.
hugs from the haugers

The Meaning of Our Lives

How do we know what God wants with us?  What is it that He has created us to be, to do?
How do we find His will, His desire, His vision for our lives?

These questions seem to constantly rouse Christians’ hearts, sometimes with anxiety and concern, sometimes with hope and excitement.  Whichever reaction you find yourself experiencing, 
it’s related to your belief about God. It might even be the difference between 
knowing about Him and truly knowing Him. 

Take the parable of the talents for an example.  
Matthew 25: 14-30 is a story about investment.  
We’re told that “a man” gathered his servants and delegated responsibilities to them depending on their varying abilities.  
Then he went away on a long trip.

Upon his return he met with the three servants to settle accounts. The first servant, who was entrusted 
with 5 talents, doubled those assets.  
The second servant was given three talents 
and he likewise doubled the endowments.  
Both were rewarded with 
“entering into the joy of their master.”

 The third servant… Well, his end turned out different.  
Let’s look at what he believed about the master.  
He judged him to be a hard man.  
This belief caused him to fear so he hid his talent.  
When the master asked for an explanation he made excuses and returned what he had been given without appreciation.  
All was removed from his cautious life and given to those 
who were willing to take risks for the master.  
That third servant then lived in outer darkness, 
far removed from the master’s joy.

How does this apply to the questions of future and destiny that rumble in our hearts?

Consider this:

1. God’s entrusted to you His best gift – life through Jesus Christ. He longs for you to live it with abandon.

2. When you don’t trust the Lord and live in fear of the unknown, you miss the opportunity to 
fulfill the dreams of God.

3. When you risk a challenge in Jesus name,
 invest your life in something beyond yourself, 
you find you’re living in the Master’s joy. 
This doesn’t guarantee liberty from suffering and trials. 
On the contrary, it might even invite such hardships, 
but your focus is not the outcome of your investment. 
Your center is completely Jesus – a fulfillment that goes beyond human measurement of success. 
Knowing Him defines “meaningfulness.”

So today, invest you talent in simple, yet profound ways. 
Look for God in the lives of those who need His touch.

 You might ask, “Who’s that?”  Well, continue reading in Matthew 25; this is a good place to start…

Instead of avoiding the hungry, 
give them something to eat.
 Instead of ignoring the thirsty, 
give them something to drink.
  Instead of walking passed the stranger, 
invite him to join you.
Instead of buying more clothes, 
clothe the naked.
Instead of preserving your health, 
serve the sick.
Instead of being selfish with your freedom, 
visit those in prison.

If your first concern is to look after yourself, you'll never find yourself. But if you forget about yourself and look to Jesus, you'll find both yourself and Him.                                                                                                                            Matthew 10:39

Love mercy, do justly = His will, His desire, 
His vision for you.
                  Micah 6:8

Thank you for investing to help us show mercy to widows 
and bring justice to orphans.
Below are photos capturing the meaning of our lives...

Teaching the lesson you just read to widowed moms.

Mark and one of our widowed mom's 
lead a time of worship.

 Prayer, encouragement and plans for serving the 
fatherless with the widowed moms, church leaders and pastors.

Jacquline, a single mom 
of six children from 14 to 4 (2 sets of twins) 
sells mandazi on the streets to provide for her family.
It was a sacrifice for her to attend the DIG training 
but she's committed
to know God and serve Him.
She's continuing to come to training; 
she wants to keep learning.

Carole, a widowed grandma, 
provides for her nephew's children.
She sells household linens on the street.  
She graduated from the DIG training
with the dream to serve Jesus 
by caring for orphaned children,
 raising them to know their Father God.

Sharing the love of God with the 
forgotten victims of this culture.
Now they see themselves as 
citizens of God's kingdom, ready to take
the challenge of moving forward with Jesus.

A small orphaned boy that struggles with autism, 
disconnected from those around him...
takes Tavin and Taleah's hands.

Jennifer, a feisty, four year old 
orphaned girl with withered legs, 
gets some big brother time with Tavin.

Moses, crippled and left abandoned in a ditch, 
delights in blowing bubbles with Tavin.
 Henry, abandoned because of cerebral palsy
has special time with Taleah.
They love playing together.

Discussing the future of 20 abandoned babies and 
how to build an adoption network among churches. 

                             Stopping on the streets 
                        to share Jesus with a little one.

  We appreciate your prayers, encouragement and support.
hugs from the haugers oooo

Good Friday

It’s Good Friday
and I’m thinking about death. 

I’ve been perplexed by recent deaths – 
Franklin, a young man we admired 
who was fighting kidney disease and 
Benta, a young widowed mom we trained 
who became our dear friend. 
The last few weeks carry shock at youth dying 
because simple medical treatments were not available. 
These days bring grief of a teary-eyed boy and girl, 
now orphaned by the scourge of AIDS. 
I’m sitting on my bed, looking at tender flowers 
climbing over the grey cement wall, 
trying to make sense of disturbing sadness. 

I knew when we came to Kenya we’d experience 
life, raw and ugly. 
I studied the research of 1.5 million children orphaned 
by disease and destruction. 
I read the stories of victimized widows 
who sold their bodies to feed their babies. 
I understood the extremely alarming statistics 
on mortality rate, life expectancy, and per capita income. 
But now I see poverty devour. 
I hear anguish cry. 
I taste the bitterness. 
I feel the life of Kenya’s oppressed.
 The recent deaths vibrating WHY, WHY, WHY… 

It’s Good Friday 
and tonight I’ll celebrate worship with Jesus friends, 
sharing communion. 
I’ll remember His sacrifice and 
let these deaths be swallowed in victory. 
Franklin told his mom he was leaving her in peace. 
Benta created a ministry/business 
to provide for her son and daughter. 
The WHYs will fade because 
I trust the Eternal WHO gave His life. 
The grey hardness of suffering covered 
with fresh blooms of hope. 
I’ll place my affections there, 
on the beauty growing before me.

It’s Good Friday.  
His sacrifice is enough.  
Resurrection morning proves it true.

Please pray for Mildred, Franklin’s widowed mamma 
and Benta’s children, Seth and Winnie.

       You can read the story Benta Shares on this blog.

Women's Work

Sounds like derogatory words, huh? That’s only because you don’t know what we’ve been up to in Kenya! Our definition of "Women’s Work" brings hope to women who live as victims of poverty, abuse and neglect. We’ve been working with women by helping widowed moms lay a biblical foundation that blends income-generating, raising healthy children and sharing the gospel in meaningful ways. We’ve started training at Covenant of Peace Church with 5 beautiful widowed mommas, the pastors, and our multi-talented trainee, Carolyne. These few participants lend toward better interaction, easier facilitator training, and more depth of understanding. None of these women can fade into the background, something they do so easily.

We open the class with sweet acapella praise to God and prayers for each other. Then we move into an object lesson, like balancing an egg on its tip. They each have one minute to try.

“What?” the Pastor (of a faith church) shakes his head.
“It can’t be done.”

The women giggle in anticipation. Mark hands him the egg. He fumbles with it on the small table. It wobbles a few times and then, stands. His quizzical face breaks into laughter. The women also balance the egg. Smiling at the success of a seemingly impossible task, they are ready to learn.

Mark made the chalkboard that diagrams the lesson – Who Is Christ In You? The women pair off and examine scriptures that tell them that Jesus is their


We discuss the difference between “knowing about God” vs “knowing God.”

They share stories about how God has carried each of them in times of hardship. Stoically they expose their woundedness, and I want to weep. How hard it is for a young widowed mom in Kenya who has nothing and needs to feed her children. We move into a time of forgiveness. The women confess their offenses on paper, and we burn them in a hole Mark dug around the back of the church. The pastor takes the shovel and buries the ashes. He shows them he’s there to support their freedom.

Back to the chalkboard and more diagrams of the next lesson – Who are You In Christ? Again the women look up scriptures and read aloud that they are

More than conquerors, Servants, Ambassadors,
Adopted Children, Christ’s bride, Dearly loved,
Citizens of God’s Kingdom, Fruit-bearers,
New Creations, Joint Heirs in Jesus...

We distribute small balls of clay and talk about modeling a Godly life by staying soft and pliable in the Master’s hands. They are thinking, squeezing the clay into bowls and flowers. Next we hand out fruit and discuss what could prevent them from producing fruit of the Spirit. We share about service to God from the heart; that being a servant is who they are, not just what they do. We encourage them to beware of the enemy’s schemes, how he whispers lies that they are not appreciated or have nothing to offer. They are rulers in the Kingdom, practicing self-discipline and overcoming evil with good.

We end out time together with role-playing. The women act out real life situations that will try their faith, that will test their fruit. They practice responding in the spirit, instead of reacting in the flesh. The egg comes back out and we remind each other that when things look impossible – God will do a miracle.

The spiritual base for practical training is being set. We rejoice at the women’s progress, their questions and comments, their willingness to move on regardless of tremendous obstacles. Women’s work. It’s part of what carries the next generation. It’s valuable in God’s kingdom.

Mark making chalk boards.

Carolyne, learning to be a facilitator.

Sharing with the women.

The women symbolically bury their offenses.

Balancing an egg - it's possible!

Please pray as this training expands outward to other widowed moms. We have many more small group trainings scheduled in various churches that will be facilitated by Kenyans. This coming week we visit Joyland ( a school for physically challanged children) and back to Covenant Home to play and pray with orphans. God's heart is for the fatherless and our desire is for Him.

hugs from the haugers oooo