Back to Babies and the Tract

Not long ago we wrote about babies abandoned -
found in fields, empty shacks and even pit latrine.  
We pray for them.  
We asked you to pray, specifically for families to adopt them. 

One of our goals while in Kenya was to stir up local churches 
to pursue God’s heart for the fatherless.  
In a country almost twice the size of Nevada, 
with over a million and a half orphans, 
it’s the Kenyan church’s responsibility 
to defend the orphan's cause (Psalm 82:3, Is. 1:17) 
to care for them (James 1:27).

Orphanages are good since they provide basic needs for survival, 
but it’s not the answer for parentless children.  
God created families.  He intends for children to grow in families.  
When God found you abandoned, He did not place you in an orphanage. 
He adopted you. You belong in His family!

 Some of the pastors we’ve been ministering with 
became stirred by what we shared concerning orphans.
They didn't know.  
They were not aware of abandoned babies in their own town. 
we invited them to meet the little ones …  
the best is yet to come!

 Pastor George and Mary hold and pray for babies who need to be adopted.

They met with the home's director and have committed 
to helping find families for the babies.

Thank God for pastors who will live God’s passion for the fatherless.

Pastor Jeremiah and Joyce love on the babies.

Joyce’s first words after we left the home,
“We need that baby now.”
 They made an appointment with the adoption agency the next day.

Of course Lisa has to keep a baby with her at all times!

Mark, Tavin and Taleah teach the workers and the older kids 
to play duck, duck, goose and how God chases after us with His love.

Mark reads to a little guy who is precious to us. 
Please pray for his future…

We also wrote a post a while ago about ministry. 
Ministry here can happen all the time. 
Not. Even. Exaggerating.  

Because Lisa uses an electric wheelchair, which is a total novelty, 
she attracts a lot of attention, 
so much attention that she wrote a tract.  
She regularly hands this tract 
to curious onlookers who wonder about her situation. 
We trust God to manifest healing, but in the mean time, 
God uses the chair and the tract is amazing ways. 

We were at the immigration office. 
There are lots of M*slims at the immigration office, 
many from northern Africa, mostly refugees.  
Not many M*slims will start a conversation with “wazungus” 
since they realize we’re here as missionaries, 
but they will tallk to Lisa. 
They want to know about the chair.  
So, she shares the gospel by telling them about the chair. 
Then she gives them the tract.  
M*slims hear about the love of Jesus.  
Below is the tract Lisa wrote.  
Please pray for those who receive it. 
May they respond to the Lord’s saving grace.

M*slim woman at a kiosk 
near one of the widowed mammas ministry/business.

The tract... 
(in case you're interested)


You might be wondering,
“What is this mzungu woman doing here in Kenya driving around in an electric chair? Aye, how is that thing moving?  Who is this person? Why does she use such a chair?”

If time permitted, I would sit with you over a drink of mango juice and share my story; but life happens, and we all have our things to do.  Ill leave you with this note to ease your curiosity and tell you the wonderful truth of destiny fulfilled.

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Lisa, and Im a teacher from USA.  Im married to a wonderful man.  We adopted two children within the USA when they were small.  Those same children are growing up strong, kind, generous and smart.  They are our joy, and Im pleased to be their mamma.  Some years back, I was diagnosed with a debilitating muscle disease and doctors said I should have died, but God had mercy on me.  Everyday, I believe for continued healing.

This chair you see me using was a gift.  It was given to me so I can go various places and not be
confined by the severe muscle disease that limits my strength. The chair is powered by two dry cell
batteries that generate energy to a motor. My right hand manipulates the steering controls, which allows movement, speed and direction.  Like I mentioned earlier, this chair enables me to be out doing things no one imagined I could do.  It was a gift.  I paid nothing for it, but I must take care of it.

Actually, my situation in not uncommon.  I think we all experience some type of weakness that limits us whether physically, emotionally or spiritually.  We all need help in those weak areas so we can move into our destinies and do things no one thought was possible. Did you know there is a gift available for you to help you overcome your setbacks, your problems, your weaknesses and let you move into the life you were intended to live?

Just imagine for a moment that you were created for a purpose.  You have a hope-filled future planned for you by your creator, but choices youve made and hardships you encountered have prevented that hope-filled future from happening.

Do you think, “What must be done to redeem that lost life?”

You need a gift that your creator offers so you can know Him and the plans He has for you.

Are you tired of struggling with life?  Trying to live on your own?  Constantly creating mistakes?  Wasting time, energy and money on nothing of eternal value? Then know that God, your creator loves you.  He wants to free you from a fruitless life.  He sent His own Son to overcome the evil forces destroying you and provide a way for you to move into places you should be, like the gift of the chair moves me.

Are you asking, “How can this happen?”

  •        First, accept that you need God in your life. Talk to God through prayer by telling Him you are sorry for wasting your life on useless choices.  Tell Him you are tired of making mistakes that bring disappointment and frustration 
  •        Next, believe that Gods gift of salvation is given to you.  Receive by faith the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross to cover the bad choices youve made.  Know that God forgives you through His Son. Jesus sacrificed himself to buy your gift of freedom, He rose from the grave to empower you to live your destiny. 
  •          Finally, commit your life to follow Jesus so He can change you from the inside out.

Now that you have embraced the gift of God, that you paid nothing for, know that you must take care of it.  Get a Bible and read it regularly to know your Creator and the life He has for you.  Find a place that teaches the truth about Jesus and you can meet people who are experiencing the new life of Gods love too.  Continue to pray, asking Jesus to help you become everything youre intended to be.  Below are some churches that teach the truth about Jesus.  If you decide to visit one of these churches, show the pastor this tract.

Covenant of Peace Church. Kondele, Kisumu.  Pastor George and Mary Gache

International Growth Church Nyallenda, Kisumu
Pastor Kevin and Lillian Oduor
    Community Life Church, Mamboleo, Kisumu
    Pastor Jeremiah and Joyce Machio
If we meet again, please come and shake my hand. 
Let me know what youve chosen to do with the gift God gives.
Mungu akubariki.