A thousand thanks for your caring support and encouragement 
as we continue our journey in Kenya.
May the Lord bless you for your kindness towards us.

Jambo Dear Friends.

We received such thoughtful responses to our last update, "Beauty From Ashes," with questions asking how to support the ministry for widows and orphans in Kenya.
Checks can be written to CARE and attach a sticky note that says, "for Kenya."
The mailing address is
PO Box 3543
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147

People can donate through PAYPAL by clicking the following link and going to the donate button on the sidebar.

Some of the relationship-based projects donate support  are:
  • The Discipleship Income-generating  (DIG) training for widowed moms so they provide for their children and not have to leave them as orphans.
  • Orphan Care Character Club - helps orphans with food and teaching about growing in Christ. 
  • Bio-sand water filter outreach program - builds water filters in oppressed rural areas and shares the gospel message that Jesus is the Living Water.
Thank you for believing that God's love for the fatherless goes beyond borders by sharing your blessings.