Courage in Kenya

What does courage look like in Kenya? The commitment of young mothers to raise their children, regardless of the cultural practices that stereotype them as non-achievers, always dependent on hand-outs.

Among the Least partners with Kenyans who biblically come alongside those being oppressed, namely single moms with at-risk children, and build dignity together.

Recently four moms received scholarships and graduated from our DIGGS program (Discipleship Income Generating Grows Sustainability) with a specialty in tailoring.

This year-long accredited program was taught by our Kenyan Coordinator, Carolyne who shared lessons about the women's identity in Christ and goals for using business as a platform to live the gospel. Patricia, our qualified instructor, taught them how to make patterns, cut various materials and design clothing. These young moms are now equipped to contribute to their communities by paying back into the program and apprenticing others.

Through donor's faithful giving and cooperation with committed friends, courage in Kenya blossomed. It grew into meaningful relationships and sustainable skills. Vulnerable children will be raised by their moms and not placed in orphanages. These women's destinies are rooted in their Creator.

Don't they look great in their unique dresses created exclusively by them? With the new sewing machines they can also make their children's clothing, school uniforms, and earn a living!

Ever hopeful,
AtL Field Directors, Mark and Lisa

Be sure to check out the video at the end!

As Pastor Mary and George from Kisumu, Kenya thank partners from Pagosa churches and donors from other states (although he mentions all donors as churches, but you guys know who you are...) we want to add our abundant appreciation for the great things God has done.