AtL 2022 Update

Reflecting on ministry highlights reminds us to thank God who called Among the Least to serve among the vulnerable. Please join us to praise the Lord for all He has done.

  • Ministry in Kenya is thriving. The sewing program at the Resource Center had 5 graduates who received new sewing machines. The women are working hard at running their tailoring businesses, training apprentices, and contributing to their churches and communities.  

  • David, AtL’s water program staff person, traveled to regions where bio-sand water filters were built and placed. He shared examples of discipleship through maintaining the filters. 

  • Carolyne, our Kenyan coordinator, journeyed to areas where she shared with young women about menstrual health, and the Lord’s concern for them and their problems - something that is rarely given attention. Because of these ongoing relationships, Carolyne enrolled in counseling courses through Amani Christian Counseling Center so she is better equipped to serve her new friends. 

  • State-side ministry keeps growing: a team of local friends helped successfully transition an immigrant guest and her baby to independent living. She has her driver’s license, bought her own vehicle and holds regular employment. We’re happy to report she won her immigration petition! It's the first case AtL submitted to USCIS.  We’re praying for our next guest!

  • Lisa volunteers with a variety of immigration cases with clients from Afghanistan and Ukraine. She’s also on a team that reunites families who are being separated at the US southern border.   

  • AtL was contacted by local families who want to pursue adoption. We’ve met with them, made ourselves available to assist in their process, and shared resources.     

One of our biggest challenges is facilitating conversations with Christians concerning the extremely harmful humanitarian crisis at our southern border. We often hear unfounded assumptions about this complex migration issue, which is global and has a biblical standard for believers to address it. A search on verses commanding us to care for the widow, fatherless and foreigner are numerous and explicit. Those verses are foundational for the AtL’s mission of prayer, unbiased research and thoughtful actions.

Recently, we stayed in El Paso, TX, during an unpresented influx of migrants crossing the Rio Grande. We served at a shelter and listened to stories from faith-based NGOs, community members, border patrol agents and migrants. There are solutions to keeping our borders safe and still offering asylum to those fleeing persecution because this humanitarian crisis is not unknown to God. He offers answers as we seek Him in prayer.

We continue making a motorhome ready to travel. We plan to stay in places that need immigration law assistance. It’s amazing how God opens the door to share the gospel with those of a different faith or no faith at all. Interestingly, many migrants are families in Christ, fleeing religious persecution.

As Field Directors of AtL, we are getting older, and hopefully wiser, evidenced in our grey hair - haha. We continue attending Restoration Fellowship and a regular fellowship where we eat dinner together and study scripture. Mark and I receive good counsel from spiritual leaders. Although we question the political divides within the church nationally, it seems best to focus on the Lord who “leads us beside still waters and restores our souls.” 

Please pray for everything mentioned above! That’s a tall order, but those items need prayer covering. Of course, we always pray for Lisa’s continued health and healing. We consistently ask God’s provision and protection for our supporting churches, friends, board members and family - know we remember you before the Lord with thanksgiving.  

Ever hopeful, ~Mark and Lisa Hauger, AtL Field Directors

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